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Seeking vocational Jane calendar

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Now living in residential land

Jiangsu Taixing

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The annual limit

For 5 years

English - water level

National English four levels

Self evaluation:

The pursuit of a professional occupation goals, is willing to in the field of professional procurement or supply chain system have good development, a few years purchasing work experience. Four and a half years of chemical raw materials procurement work made me to be good, the procurement of professional work experience, so that I can from the complex, lengthy work quickly find the key, manage clear job train of thought, to complete the target, in a complex, emergency situations to make decisions quickly, to solve the problem quickly. I hope the personal development with the company together, in the proper position to give full play to the individual in terms of sourcing working experience.

Work experience:

Jiangsu Hehai nanometer science and technology limited liability company

2006-7 now has worked to paint technician, purchaser and procurement director

Job responsibilities:

The 2006-7, for coating Technician: the responsible for the coating product specific R & D, experimental work and old product formula improvement; the formulation of coating production process and provide technical guidance; the prepared paint product description, technical indicators, quality certification and research reports and other technical documents; the specific processing product quality complaints and other technical support work.

The 2006-11 to the 2010-2, as buyers: the purchasing plan, the choice of supplier and the management of the procurement of raw materials, quantity, price, quality and delivery control, without affecting the normal production of the enterprise under the control of purchasing cost; the purchase contract, and the contract management and record; responsible for material transport, acceptance, storage and stacking matters; the analysis of volatile market, the procurement of raw materials prices and supply amount is adjusted. From raw materials prices rise, infer the purchasing cost is affected by the amplitude.

The 2010-3 now, as director of purchasing: the supplier management: in each half ends according to the data of reports on important suppliers of semiannual evaluation, for the annual contract negotiations. New supplier assessment introduction and contract negotiations; the cost control: procurement cost analysis, price control; the purchasing team management: optimizing the purchase process, reduce the cost of. According to sales orders, to develop effective, optimize the stock management. Reduce the slow-moving inventory, to achieve a reasonable inventory turnover rate; the factory is responsible for part of the coordination of work: to resolve quality complaints, accompanying the technical and quality control to evaluate the suppliers. Responsible for the orders issued management, responsible for new product development and procurement.

Education experience:

2002-9 to 2006-6 Changzhou university chemistry of materials

1999-9 to 2002-7 Jiangsu province Taizhou middle school

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